Tuesday 18 September 2012

Complexity and the Cost of Quality involved in Content Engineering..

As we have achieved a good understanding of Contents in it's engineering and technical form.. What bothers us now is what are the complexities and cost of quality involved in this process..

When the business is involved, there involves the complexity and things to measure is cost of quality.

Complexity is inherent in the nature of content Increasing content complexity. This increases the amount and sophistication of content processing tasks and Increases in content processing tasks results in a significant increase in the total cost of quality

There is no second thought that either in big or small way Search Optimization Depends on Content.

The Internet remains the fastest and most convenient method for customers, partners and prospective customers to learn about a company's products, services, people and position in the market. A good measure of the competitiveness of a company's external-facing messages is search engine results.

Scoring highly in search engine results depends primarily on the quality of the content available on your website. Content engineering is the discipline of developing content that greatly improves the rankings of the target site and thereby returns a higher result.
There is no magic to content engineering, only discipline. Improving a site's performance is not done through some magical mechanism or a lab of hundreds of web people in Asia creating links for you. Instead, it's done through the building of content - web pages, blog posts, download reports - that your target users will find helpful and useful in making decisions about your firms' category of products and services. Deciding goals and then periodically measuring the site's performance towards those goals, adjusting the content, navigation or resources is a big part of what makes content engineering service valuable to clients.